Can Stress Cause Tonsil Stones?

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I think it’s pretty safe to say that tonsil stones are at the very bottom of the list of things a person wants to deal with when they’re feeling stressed. If you’ve been stressed lately and are noticing an increase in tonsil stones, you might wonder if there’s a correlation between the two. Stress can certainly do a number on the body, so it’s a valid question to ask.


So, can stress cause tonsil stones? No, stress does not directly cause tonsil stones. However, some habits caused by stress may lead to tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are caused by bacteria, food particles and other debris getting trapped, accumulating and hardening inside of the tonsil crypts. Stress-related habits that promote the formation of tonsil stones include neglecting oral health, changing your eating habits and more.


Keep reading for more information on stress and tonsil stones:



Stress Does Not Cause Tonsil Stones…

Ahh… Wouldn’t it be nice to hear that getting rid of tonsil stones is as easy as taking some time off to relax and meditate?

Unfortunately, that just isn’t the case.

Tonsil stones, or Tonsilloliths, are debris and bacteria that become trapped in the crypts of tonsils where they harden or calcify (WebMD).

Our tonsils are naturally covered in small, tight pockets and flaps known as the “tonsil crypts”. These tonsil crypts are able to catch and accumulate bacteria in them, thus forming what we know as tonsil stones over time.

Stress does not directly play any part in this.

BUT it’s absolutely possible that stress can indirectly cause tonsil stones.

Here’s why:

We’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives. Whether it’s due to school, work, life at home or whatever it may be. During stressful times, you may have noticed changes in your behavior and/or daily habits.

  • The tired student who’s trying to make it through finals week may be resorting to copious amounts of soda, energy drinks or coffee to stay awake.
  • The busy parent may feel as if they only have time for processed and packaged foods.
  • The overworked employee may increase their alcohol intake in order to de-stress on the weekend.

So on and so forth…

The point is: Certain habits that people use to de-stress may cause or promote the formation of tonsil stones in some people.


Here Are 4 Habits Caused By Stress That May Contribute To Tonsil Stones:


Neglecting Oral Hygiene

Stress can really take a toll on us to the point where we begin to neglect our healthy daily habits. Oral hygiene is no exception.

Brushing, flossing and rinsing are all things we have to do on even the busiest of mornings when we’re trying to rush out of the door. On top of that, it’s the last thing we need to do after a long day to be able to enjoy a restful sleep.

Because of this, it’s easy to do a subpar job on our oral hygiene so we can get it out of the way as fast as possible. That can be a problem for people who are susceptible to getting tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones can be caused by a variety of different things, but sometimes it’s all due to bad oral hygiene. In this case, a little bit of extra effort in oral hygiene is all a person needs to prevent them.

If you’re looking to tackle your tonsil stones by upgrading your oral hygiene routine, I would recommend checking out Therabreath’s Oral Rinse (Click to view on Amazon). These oral rinses are made specifically for getting rid of tonsil stones. Many people have gotten good results from them, though they can be a hit or miss since tonsil stones can be stubborn things!


Changing Your Eating Habits

Besides having tonsils in the first place, diet usually plays the biggest role in tonsil stone formation.

Some of the top tonsil stone-causing foods include:

  • Foods that are heavy in dairy (milk, cheese, pizza, ice cream, etc.)
  • Foods that are overly processed
  • Sugary foods

Foods that fall into these categories can promote the growth of the bacteria that makes up tonsil stones. 

When we’re stressed, we tend to try to make different areas of our lives simpler to cope with it. This may mean avoiding home-made, healthy foods and replacing them with ready-made, processed foods like take-out or packaged snacks.

If you’ve changed your eating habits due to stress lately, then this may be where your tonsil stones are coming from.


Living Off Of Caffeine

Work, school or life in general has become so stressful that you need to guzzle tons of caffeine just to make it through to day or night… We’ve all been there at some point.

Unfortunately, this can be bad news for those of us who get tonsil stones.

Both coffee and soda have a low pH, meaning they are acidic drinks. This can mess with the pH levels in your mouth, allowing for the growth of tonsil stone bacteria.

On top of that, soda tends to have very high amounts of sugar and coffee is usually enjoyed with dairy creamer. Both sugar and dairy can play a big role in tonsil stones due to their ability to promote tonsil stone bacteria.


Increasing Alcohol Intake

Enjoying a few alcoholic beverages is quite a common method for dealing with stress. But you may want to cut back if you’ve been getting more tonsil stones lately.

You might be familiar with the feeling of dry mouth after a night of drinking. It’s a very common side effect to drinking alcohol.

The problem is: dry mouth contributes to tonsil stones. 

A dry mouth is the perfect environment for tonsil stones to grow in.

And of course; alcoholic beverages tend to contain high amounts of sugar. Both dry mouth and large amounts of sugar can make it easier for tonsil stones to form.



As you can see, stress does not directly cause tonsil stones. However, your tonsil stones may be the result of habits you’ve formed due to stress. The best way to avoid tonsil stones that are caused by stress-related habits is by tackling the root of the problem; whether it be improving oral hygiene, eating healthier foods and/or drinking less alcohol.


Want an easy-to-follow method for getting rid of tonsil stones at home? Check out this post:

How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones: The Ultimate Guide
