Should I Go to a Doctor for Tonsil Stones?


Typically, tonsil stones do not require medical treatment of any kind. They are completely harmless and do not pose any threat to the human body.

However, tonsil stones often come along with side effects.

Though it’s rare, there are times when the side effects caused by tonsil stones can become too much of a burden. In such a case, seeing a doctor to talk about what options you have for treating your tonsil stones may be necessary.

Here’s how to know when it’s time to go to a doctor for tonsil stones:

If Your Tonsil Stones Are Too Big To Remove At Home

For the most part, tonsil stones usually dislodge and fall out on their own.

However, due to the natural variation of our tonsil anatomy, it’s possible for tonsil stones to get stuck to a point where it’s too difficult to remove at home. Alternatively, you may have such a sensitive gag reflex that it’s too difficult to even attempt home-removal. In these cases, the stuck tonsil stone(s) may continue to accumulate bacteria and debris, causing it to grow abnormally large.

Though tonsil stones are not inherently dangerous, a stone that continues to grow larger and larger may eventually cause pain and/or damage to the tonsils by stretching or tearing the delicate tonsil-flesh.

If you are unable to remove a large tonsil stone at home, it’s best to go to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor. An ENT can carefully remove the tonsil stone using proper tools and avoid causing damage to the tonsil.


If The Symptoms Of Tonsil Stones Are Too Much To Bear

Tonsil stones come with quite a few side effects that you may or may not experience. These side effects include (but are not limited to):

  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in mouth
  • Itchy ears and/or throat
  • Pain in ears and/or throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Gagging/coughing due to the sensation of having something stuck in the throat

Most of the time, tonsil stones do not cause all of these symptoms at once, nor do they cause any symptom to the point where it becomes unbearable. But in some rare cases, the symptom(s) being caused by tonsil stones may become too much of a burden.

Bad breath is the most common complaint among the tonsil stone side effects. In some cases, tonsil stones can cause chronic bad breath due to their intense, strong smell. Although bad breath caused by tonsil stones may not have a negative effect on health, it’s possible for it to become unbearable when relief is unachievable.

In addition, tonsil stones may eventually cause pain, itchiness, swelling and more if they are not removed.

If your tonsil stones are causing you too much trouble, visiting a doctor to talk about procedures (such as a tonsillectomy) may be beneficial.

If Your Tonsils Become Swollen And/Or Infected

Tonsils becoming swollen or infected from tonsil stones is uncommon, but possible.

Tonsil stones themselves are harmless, however, the skin of the tonsils is very delicate and easy to cut or damage. If the tonsil gets cut by a jagged tonsil stone, the tonsil could potentially become swollen and/or infected.

The tonsil may also become swollen if the tonsil stone(s) becomes too large for the tonsil to hold. This can lead to side effects such as difficulty swallowing, pain and/or itchiness.

If you suspect that your tonsils stones have caused swelling and/or an infection, visit a doctor as soon as possible to address the problem.

A doctor will be able to tell you if you need medication to get rid of the infection or reduce swelling. They may also remove the tonsil stone(s) with proper tools to avoid any further damage to the tonsils and to provide relief.


If You’ve Tried Everything To Get Rid Of Them, But Nothing Works

Since tonsil stones are harmless, it’s normally recommended that they are treated at home to avoid expensive doctor visits. There are many different home remedies for getting rid of tonsil stones that work perfectly fine.

But if you’ve tried every home remedy that you can find and nothing is getting rid of them, you may want to talk to your doctor about getting a procedure such as a laser tonsillectomy or traditional tonsillectomy.

Doing so will prevent tonsil stones completely without the need for home remedies and treatments. However, it should be noted that doctors hesitate to perform surgical procedures for tonsil stones due to their harmless nature.

If you’re still on the search for home remedies, I would highly recommend checking out my ultimate guide to getting rid of tonsil stones (click here to see it). In it, I discuss a home-treatment method that involves cleaning the tonsils to completely remove and prevent tonsil stones. It’s the method that I personally use to this day to keep my tonsil stones from coming back!

If Tonsil Stones Are Negatively Affecting Your Daily Life

Let’s face it: tonsil stones can be a real pain!

I speak from personal experience when I say that tonsil stones can really turn into an unbearable burden. They became such a huge, daily problem for me that I visited doctors in hopes of getting a tonsillectomy (which I never ended up getting).

The bad breath, the gross taste, the ear and throat pain… It can be hard to deal with. And if you’re someone who is constantly dealing with tonsil stones, the side effects of the nasty little stones could be negatively affecting your daily life.

In this case, a visit to the doctor may be necessary. Talk to your doctor about the tonsil removal/reshaping procedures they offer as well as any other solution they recommend for tonsil stones.



How To Prevent Tonsil Stones WITHOUT A Doctor! (Click Here)


Not sure how to get rid of tonsil stones? If you don’t want to visit a doctor, check out my top recommended tonsil stone prevention routine (linked above). It’s the exact routine that I use and follow to get rid of tonsil stones completely and prevent them from coming back.