Where Do Tonsil Stones Come From? Everything You Need To Know

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So… where do tonsil stones come from? If you suffer from tonsil stones, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question.

Those disgusting things have crept their way into your life and you need your questions answered. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about where they come from and how you can get rid of them.


What Are Tonsil Stones?


First, lets dive into what exactly tonsil stones are.

Tonsilloliths, otherwise known as “tonsil stones“, are balls of bacteria, mucus and other debris that accumulate and become trapped within the tonsil crypts. The accumulation calcifies, forming the tonsil stone.

People who suffer from tonsil stones usually report experiencing side effects such as bad breath, bad taste in mouth, the sensation that something is stuck in their throat and more. Bad breath is often the most common and most undesirable side effect of them all.

Tonsil stones can range in size, shape, color and smell. Some may be tiny and unnoticeable, whereas others may be large in size. Some may have little to no smell, while others may have such a strong smell that proper oral hygiene has no positive effect on breath. All in all, the characteristics of tonsil stones varies between individuals.

Although tonsil stones are not openly talked about often, they’re actually relatively common. So don’t feel so alone if you’re dealing with the pesky things!


We All Have Tonsils…


Whether we get them removed or not, we are all born with tonsils.

Despite burdening us with tonsillitis and other painful illnesses, the tonsils are meant to help us by trapping bacteria and preventing the spread of virus particles (though many experts suggest that they don’t actually help all that much…)

Tonsil Stones Come From The Tonsils In The Throat

Our tonsils are covered in pockets, or “crypts”. This is a normal part of our human bodies. Unfortunately, this is where tonsil stones come into the picture.


Tonsil Stones Form in the Tonsil Crypts.


The crypts that are all over our tonsils are able to trap bacteria, mucus, debris and more all too easily.

The tonsil crypts, being tight and dark spaces, are the perfect place for bacteria and debris to accumulate and calcify resulting in the thing we all despise so much… Tonsil stones!

Eventually, the tonsil stones naturally make their way out of the tonsil crypts. This is when they become visible when you look into your mouth.

They may also fall out on their own, causing you to cough them up or even swallow them without realizing.

In some cases, tonsil stones can form so deep within the tonsil crypts that they become stuck as they grow and are unable to be seen. However, this is quite rare. It’s much more common for tonsil stones to eventually creep their way out of the tonsils.


That’s Where Tonsil Stones “Come From”…


You could say that tonsil stones don’t exactly “come from” anywhere. Instead, they form in the tonsil crypts.

So, why is all of this information important?

Knowing all about where tonsil stones “come from” is crucial to getting rid of them.

We know that tonsil stones form within the tonsil crypts due to the accumulation of bacteria, mucus and other debris.

This tells us that getting rid of tonsil stones means preventing them from forming in the first place.

Well, how the heck do we do that?!

Think about what causes tonsil stones. Tonsil stones can be caused by a variety of things…

Dairy Products - Where Do Tonsil Stones Come From

The most common causes of tonsil stones are specific foods or drinks, improper oral hygiene, dry mouth, alcohol, smoking, excess mucus/post-nasal drip, allergies and illness.

Now, this is a pretty big list of reasons why you could be getting tonsil stones.

One of the ways you can get rid of them is by figuring out what’s causing them in the first place. This way, you can come up with a way to prevent them by correcting the cause (for example: getting your allergies under control, quitting smoking, making a dietary change, etc.)

But since tonsil stones can be due to so many different things, it can be difficult for a person to pinpoint exactly what’s causing theirs.

This is why I personally believe that keeping the tonsils clean and free of tonsil stone-causing bacteria is the best way to prevent them.


It’s Easy to Keep the Tonsils Clean.


All you need to do to keep your tonsils clean is add a little extra element into your usual daily oral hygiene routine.

A Water Flosser.

A water flosser is a device used to floss between the teeth and clean the gums using water. Imagine a smaller version of the device that a dentist uses to spray water around your teeth and mouth while cleaning your teeth. It’s a very effective dental hygiene tool.

And it’s also a very effective tonsil stone-preventing tool.

Waterpik Water Flosser

Click HERE to see the Waterpik Water Flosser on Amazon


The idea behind using a water flosser to prevent tonsil stones is that you can use the stream of water on a gentle setting to flush out the tonsils. Doing so will clean out all of the bacteria and gunk from the tonsil crypts.

Not to mention, it’s a very easy way to blast out stubborn tonsil stones that just don’t want to come out.

I explained this method further in my post: How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones.

It’s the exact method that I personally use to prevent tonsil stones, and I’ve been completely free of tonsil stones for over two years (just about three at this point!).


It’s That Easy.


I dealt with consistent tonsil stones for quite some time. Throughout my journey of getting rid of them, the water flosser method is by far the best I’ve tried.

If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, be sure to check out my post on how to get rid of tonsil stones.

I hope you found this article helpful! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I’d love to help out.

Thanks for reading and best of luck!