Can Stress Cause Tonsil Stones?

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I think it’s pretty safe to say that tonsil stones are at the very bottom of the list of things a person wants to deal with when they’re feeling stressed. If you’ve been stressed lately and are noticing an increase in tonsil stones, you might wonder if there’s a correlation between the two. Stress can certainly do a number on the body, so it’s a valid question to ask.


So, can stress cause tonsil stones? No, stress does not directly cause tonsil stones. However, some habits caused by stress may lead to tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are caused by bacteria, food particles and other debris getting trapped, accumulating and hardening inside of the tonsil crypts. Stress-related habits that promote the formation of tonsil stones include neglecting oral health, changing your eating habits and more.


Keep reading for more information on stress and tonsil stones: View Post

Tonsil Stones or Strep Throat: How To Tell The Difference

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If you’ve noticed something strange going on with your tonsils, you may be wondering if you’re dealing with tonsil stones or strep throat. They both appear as white spots covering the tonsils, so telling the difference may be a bit tricky if you’re unfamiliar with them.


So, how can you tell if you have tonsil stones or strep throat? Tonsil stones will appear on the tonsils as solid, white or off-white lumps while strep throat will (sometimes) appear as flat, white patches. Tonsil stones can be easily dislodged from the tonsils when nudged with a q-tip or your finger, while spots from strep throat cannot be manually dislodged or wiped away. In addition, the most common symptom of strep throat is throat pain. Tonsil stones are more commonly associated with bad breath rather than pain.


Keep reading for more details on telling the difference between tonsil stones and strep throat:

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Can You Get A Tonsillectomy For Tonsil Stones?

Tonsil stones may be tiny little things, but they pack a big, nasty punch! Sometimes they can become such a burden that a tonsil stone sufferer will consider removing their tonsils completely just to get rid of them…

So, can you get a tonsillectomy for tonsil stones? Yes, you can get a tonsillectomy to permanently get rid of tonsil stones. A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tonsils are removed. Tonsil stones will no longer be able to form without tonsils. However, tonsillectomies are generally reserved for severe tonsil stone cases.

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Tonsil Stone Removal Doctor: Who Can Remove Tonsil Stones?


If you’re at your wits’ end with tonsil stones, it may be time to go visit a tonsil stone removal doctor…

Tonsil stones can be a difficult thing to deal with on your own, especially if you can’t figure out what’s causing them or if you’re having trouble removing them on your own.

A doctor who has proper knowledge of the tonsils will be able to remove the tonsil stones efficiently.

So, what doctor can remove tonsil stones? If you want to get your tonsil stones removed by a doctor, visit an Otolaryngologist, commonly known as an ENT (ear, nose, throat). An ENT specializes in treating problems with the ears, nose and throat. An ENT can use proper tools to carefully remove tonsil stones without damaging the tonsils. They can also talk to you about tonsil procedures, such as the tonsillectomy, that can permanently get rid of tonsil stones.

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Should I Go to a Doctor for Tonsil Stones?


Typically, tonsil stones do not require medical treatment of any kind. They are completely harmless and do not pose any threat to the human body.

However, tonsil stones often come along with side effects.

Though it’s rare, there are times when the side effects caused by tonsil stones can become too much of a burden. In such a case, seeing a doctor to talk about what options you have for treating your tonsil stones may be necessary.

Here’s how to know when it’s time to go to a doctor for tonsil stones:

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